Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wet Berkeley Late Round...

I played a part of a round at Berkeley with Greg and "hippie" Greg, before giving up due to darkness and wetness. I did not lose any discs thank goodness, but not for a lack of trying. I had a great shot on #2 for example, only to spend 20 minutes looking for my disc in a foot deep puddle at the base of a tree. This was a theme as I had a couple of other shots that ended up with me looking for my disc, and having to play out of some hole. After a few holes of this, it seemed to take the wind out of my sails and I eventually stopped throwing all together and walked the last few holes with the Greg's.

I am not a huge fan of the Berkeley course, partly because I hate to lose discs and partly because I am still learning to make all the different type of throws the game demands. Since Berkeley is usually windy and wet, it is just not much fun for me to play. Maybe as I get better I will feel differently... but for now, I will play it only when Moraga is too muddy and/or I have too.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Updated Disc List

As I have got a few new discs (and lost a few as well), I thought I would provide an updated disc list of what is in my bag these days.

In my bag now:

1. Star Sidewinder - 165 grams
2. Champion Orc - 160 grams
3. Pro Beast - 166 grams
4. Champion Valkyre - 149 grams
5. DX Eagle * - 165 grams
6. DX Beast * - 166 grams
* For risky water holes

Fairway Drivers:
7. Champion Shark - 165 grams

8. Gummy - 170 grams
9. Pro Birdie - 170 grams

NOT in my bag:

On the Shelf: - Until I learn to throw them more consistently, or as back-ups
1. Champion Wraith - 167 grams
2. Z-Crush - 168 grams
3. Champion Tie-Dye Orc - 175 grams
4. Pro Shark - 175 grams
5. Aero - 180 grams

Lost :( :
1. DX Eagle - 148 grams
2. Champion Eagle - 166 grams

New Replacement Discs

I had to get these couple of discs to replace the ones I lost playing Berkeley. Above is a Beast DX (166 grams) and below is a Eagle DX (165 grams). These discs were only $9.00 a piece versus the $15.00 ones I threw in the water... I am hoping that I won't lose these the next time I play there, as it would make for an expensive outing if I go through $20 in discs each round.

One good thing in all this is that my first cheap Eagle was only 151 grams (which is pretty light), but this newer Eagle is more in line with the rest of my bag at 165 grams.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Plastic

My brother (Russ) and his wife (Cindy) got me this nice Tie-dye Champion Orc (175 grams) disc for Christmas. It looks great, but I realized it is a little heavier than the discs I am throwing now (most of my discs are between 160-166 grams).

I may see if there is a way to exchange it locally, but if not I will gladly keep it and see if I can't learn to throw a heavier disc. I know most of the better players throw this disc weight, so maybe as my skills improve I will too. Either way, this was a very nice Christmas gift.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Playing for cash

Later in the day, I went out to play at Moraga and saw "the Greg's" again, so we played another 9 holes. It was getting cold, but I had some good throws and nice pars. After completing the round, Greg and I decided to play for a buck and around one more time. Greg had starting throwing better, but as I know this course and wanted a challenge I figured what the heck. Here is how we did...

My Round
3, 3, 3, 2*, 4, 5, 2**, 3, 4 = +2
* I made a long putt from about 20 ft after Greg's awesome shot.
** I had a short putt of only 8 ft after a nice drive with new disc.

Greg's Round
3, 3, 3, 2*, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4 = +2
* Greg shot a tomahawk over the tree that went in, from like 30 ft. before my throw.

So we ended up tied and no money changed hands. When Greg was up 2 shots I figured he had a very good shot at winning, but I wanted to at least get the tee pad back from him (as he had been first all round) and when I finally did on #8 (after the birdie on #7) I thought I could make a comeback. I was encouraged to be able to stay up with him and my play seems to be improving (since Greg has been playing a lot longer than I have).

Berkeley - first lost disc

I played Berkeley for the first time with Greg and "Hippie" Greg today. It has been raining so we could not play Moraga, plus I wanted to see this course and how difficult it was. Not surprising, but the water adds a new element to the game. Not that it makes it that much more difficult physically, but mentally you have to be prepared to lose discs (and that was something I was not ready or willing to do). Most of the water is not really "in play" so much as you have to go out over it and then back into the holes.

I started out well and pared the first 5 holes, but then I lost my first disc (DX Eagle) when my Hyzer shot did not come back and it ended up in the middle of the lake. I was ok to lose that one, as it was old and beat up, but that was really the only older disc I still carried. I was throwing decently, but the footing was tough (as was the small cement tee pads). On #10, there is another water shot - where you have to throw over a small bay. It is the signature hole for Berkeley and I really should have been able to make it over the edge, but I didn't and lost my Champion Eagle (which hurt). At this point, I lost focus and real interest as my score had ballooned up. I managed a few pars and did not even throw the last water hole (#18) because I refused to lose anymore plastic.

Overall the course is pretty easy, aside from the water. Hippie Greg shot par, which was great! Greg did not far as well, and had another trough outing. He seems to be over thinking and not just playing, but as he beat me I had no room to talk.

Friday, December 23, 2005

New Plastic

I got a new disc while in Santa Cruz. It is a "Star" Sidewinder (165 grams). The Star series is suppose to combine both the durability of the Champion series and the feel of Pro series. I wanted to try both this disc and the new material and so figured this was a good one to get.

Innova is going to produce their entire line of discs in this new material over 2006. I am not sure it is all that much better than the Champion series, but will have to throw it more to find out.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

First Par Round

I walked up and joined 3 other players as they were getting started on their round. This lead to me started out poorly, but I got it together on #3 with a huge drive that putt me in position for my first birdie on the hole. I ended up with a good couple of rounds and then as we went down to me and Brent, racing the darkness, I had my first par round!! I had some great drives on #3. #6 and even on #9 which helped my scores today.

Round 1
4, 4, 2*, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3 = +3
* My first birdie on #3!! I was 8 ft. from basket

Round 2
3, 4, 3, 3, 5*, 3, 3, 5, 3 = +5
* I hit the basket and it rolled down the hill to 20 ft.

Round 3
3, 4, 2*, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2** = +0
* Great drive and again within 6 ft.
** Finished with a 20 ft. birdie putt!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sunday Rounds

I played a couple of rounds with Scotty, Greg, JB and Laney. I got a call from Lane, who wanted his new Sidewinder (161 grams) that I had purchased for him at DeLa (in Santa Cruz) on Friday. I arrived and the group was already on 6, so I decided to wait and play 8 & 9 before starting around again. Earlier in the day, I had been found a few interesting web sites on disc golf, including one that video of different players throwing styles. I was anxious to play after that and did notice that my throws seem to have a bit more distance.

Round 1
3, 4, 4, 2*, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3 = +2

* Putt landed on the top edge of the basket and slowly dropped and fell into the basket - Go Gummy putter!!

Round 2
3, 3, 3*, 4, 4, 5**, 2***, 4, 3 = +4

* I think my longest drive (as it landed on the bike path - hole high)
**Within 10 ft. my putt hit off the basket and rolled 25 ft away
*** Drove within 5 ft. directly past the basket

Friday, December 09, 2005

Delaveaga Disc Golf Course

I finally had a chance to play Dela Disc Golf Course and it was challenging and fun. I was lucky enough to play with two really good players, and one of them (Matt) was on the board of the club and was telling about the latest meeting and some of the work being done on the course.

What I found interesting was the different throwing styles these guys had (see above). They used little or no run up and instead just stood in place and used just the upper body and arms to throw. This made for a very accurate, and surprising, amazing distance. Their discs just seem to float FOREVER down the hill. These guys had both been playing a long time and just made the throws look effortless - but I knew they weren't, the were just that much better than me.

As you will see the course is very tight and so you have to control not only the path of your disc, but its height as well. This is only the second course I have played and it made me realize how easy the Moraga course is. I had some good shots and putts, and my share of pars. But on the tougher holes my score went up substantially.

But overall it was great to play with these two guys and at such a different course. I want to try other ones now to get an appreciation of how tough this one is by comparison. There were a few holes (13-16) that I could not play (as they were being repaired) and I ran out of time before I could play #27 "top of the world", but that will just give me something new to experience next time.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

2 Disc round

I played a round and a half today with only my Champion Eagle, and Gumby Putter. I was trying to get more used to throwing those two discs and so figured the best way was to just play them exclusively. It was a sunny, but cold day - and I could not seem to putt to save my life. I was left, right, short, and long. Nothing was working... my drives we ok, and my approaches gave me consistent chances for par, but I could not seem to convert them. My score for the round I did complete was a nothing to write home about 3 over. I played with Scotty and Lane, and a couple of other guys. Overall it was a nice afternoon - just wished I played better.

4, 4, 3*, 3, 3, 4, 3**, 3, 3*** = +3

* Had a great drive that put me on the hillside
** Hit the basket on my drive, it skipped off the turf and bounced against the chains, then landed 20 ft away.
*** Drive was within 15 ft but could not convert the birdie putt.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Nice afternoon of golf

I played a nice couple of rounds today and had my first 2 birdie 9. I was a very nice winter day, and I decided to go out and take advantage of it. There was no one on the course for the first nine, but on the second nine I had to play the 4 and 5 twice as a group of 4 was in front of me.

First 9
3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2 = +1

Second 9
3*, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5**, 3, 4, 3 = +4

* Had a great long putt ~ 20 ft.
** Hit the basket from ~10 ft. and watched as it rolled an unbelievable ~40 ft.

I was excited about my first nine score and started out the second nine hoping to duplicate it. The way it started, with a great putt, I thought I was in good shape. But #6 just put an end to that... I had a really good second shot to put me in normal par range. I was on the hillside and broke out the new Gumby putter - After lining up the putt and letting it go, it hit off the basket and did what I thought a Gum putter would never do... roll, and roll, and roll. Rats!! I guess you live and learn.

It was still a nice couple of rounds. I hope the weather continues to cooperate and I can keep playing for a bit longer. Overall the Gum putter has really been a great addition to the bag!

Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm Gumby Damn It!

I added a Gummy putter to my bag today. I have been seeing everyone use them and get great results so it is my turn. I like this one as it is white, 172 gms, and I hope will live up to its slogan - "this eraser lowers your score"!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Great Putt!

I played some disc golf with Greg, Scotty and Lane and we ended up playing some doubles for a buck. It was Greg and I, against Scotty and Lane. Scotty birdied the first hole, and then we tied (at par) all the way until the seventh hole - we used my drive, and had ended up about 40 yards to go to the basket. I decided to putt first, so that Greg could take a run at birdie, and used my "birdie" putter and was trying to just get it close, and threw it a little high and right - and BAM right in!!!

With that putt our team evened the score and it took us 3 extra holes to decide the match. Scotty's team had some good putts on the fist and second extra hole to stay in the match. In the end, Scotty had a outstanding drive within 3 feet of the basket on #3. Both Greg's and my drives were only so-so, and thus we lost the hole and the match. Still it was a lot of fun and we all had a great time.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Practice in the mud

I played a quick practice round and shot 3 over. I had a birdie on #9, which was great. Most of the course was very muddy, so I could only throw from almost a stand-still, which was good and as it forced me to work on my release. This seemed to make my drives pretty long and straight - I need to do this more even when it is not muddy.

Practice Round
4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2* = +3

* Put it within 6 feet of the pin.