Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sunday Rounds

I played a couple of rounds with Scotty, Greg, JB and Laney. I got a call from Lane, who wanted his new Sidewinder (161 grams) that I had purchased for him at DeLa (in Santa Cruz) on Friday. I arrived and the group was already on 6, so I decided to wait and play 8 & 9 before starting around again. Earlier in the day, I had been found a few interesting web sites on disc golf, including one that video of different players throwing styles. I was anxious to play after that and did notice that my throws seem to have a bit more distance.

Round 1
3, 4, 4, 2*, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3 = +2

* Putt landed on the top edge of the basket and slowly dropped and fell into the basket - Go Gummy putter!!

Round 2
3, 3, 3*, 4, 4, 5**, 2***, 4, 3 = +4

* I think my longest drive (as it landed on the bike path - hole high)
**Within 10 ft. my putt hit off the basket and rolled 25 ft away
*** Drove within 5 ft. directly past the basket


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