Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Berkeley - first lost disc

I played Berkeley for the first time with Greg and "Hippie" Greg today. It has been raining so we could not play Moraga, plus I wanted to see this course and how difficult it was. Not surprising, but the water adds a new element to the game. Not that it makes it that much more difficult physically, but mentally you have to be prepared to lose discs (and that was something I was not ready or willing to do). Most of the water is not really "in play" so much as you have to go out over it and then back into the holes.

I started out well and pared the first 5 holes, but then I lost my first disc (DX Eagle) when my Hyzer shot did not come back and it ended up in the middle of the lake. I was ok to lose that one, as it was old and beat up, but that was really the only older disc I still carried. I was throwing decently, but the footing was tough (as was the small cement tee pads). On #10, there is another water shot - where you have to throw over a small bay. It is the signature hole for Berkeley and I really should have been able to make it over the edge, but I didn't and lost my Champion Eagle (which hurt). At this point, I lost focus and real interest as my score had ballooned up. I managed a few pars and did not even throw the last water hole (#18) because I refused to lose anymore plastic.

Overall the course is pretty easy, aside from the water. Hippie Greg shot par, which was great! Greg did not far as well, and had another trough outing. He seems to be over thinking and not just playing, but as he beat me I had no room to talk.


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