Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Nice afternoon of golf

I played a nice couple of rounds today and had my first 2 birdie 9. I was a very nice winter day, and I decided to go out and take advantage of it. There was no one on the course for the first nine, but on the second nine I had to play the 4 and 5 twice as a group of 4 was in front of me.

First 9
3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2 = +1

Second 9
3*, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5**, 3, 4, 3 = +4

* Had a great long putt ~ 20 ft.
** Hit the basket from ~10 ft. and watched as it rolled an unbelievable ~40 ft.

I was excited about my first nine score and started out the second nine hoping to duplicate it. The way it started, with a great putt, I thought I was in good shape. But #6 just put an end to that... I had a really good second shot to put me in normal par range. I was on the hillside and broke out the new Gumby putter - After lining up the putt and letting it go, it hit off the basket and did what I thought a Gum putter would never do... roll, and roll, and roll. Rats!! I guess you live and learn.

It was still a nice couple of rounds. I hope the weather continues to cooperate and I can keep playing for a bit longer. Overall the Gum putter has really been a great addition to the bag!


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