Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Playing for cash

Later in the day, I went out to play at Moraga and saw "the Greg's" again, so we played another 9 holes. It was getting cold, but I had some good throws and nice pars. After completing the round, Greg and I decided to play for a buck and around one more time. Greg had starting throwing better, but as I know this course and wanted a challenge I figured what the heck. Here is how we did...

My Round
3, 3, 3, 2*, 4, 5, 2**, 3, 4 = +2
* I made a long putt from about 20 ft after Greg's awesome shot.
** I had a short putt of only 8 ft after a nice drive with new disc.

Greg's Round
3, 3, 3, 2*, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4 = +2
* Greg shot a tomahawk over the tree that went in, from like 30 ft. before my throw.

So we ended up tied and no money changed hands. When Greg was up 2 shots I figured he had a very good shot at winning, but I wanted to at least get the tee pad back from him (as he had been first all round) and when I finally did on #8 (after the birdie on #7) I thought I could make a comeback. I was encouraged to be able to stay up with him and my play seems to be improving (since Greg has been playing a lot longer than I have).


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