Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Thursday, December 08, 2005

2 Disc round

I played a round and a half today with only my Champion Eagle, and Gumby Putter. I was trying to get more used to throwing those two discs and so figured the best way was to just play them exclusively. It was a sunny, but cold day - and I could not seem to putt to save my life. I was left, right, short, and long. Nothing was working... my drives we ok, and my approaches gave me consistent chances for par, but I could not seem to convert them. My score for the round I did complete was a nothing to write home about 3 over. I played with Scotty and Lane, and a couple of other guys. Overall it was a nice afternoon - just wished I played better.

4, 4, 3*, 3, 3, 4, 3**, 3, 3*** = +3

* Had a great drive that put me on the hillside
** Hit the basket on my drive, it skipped off the turf and bounced against the chains, then landed 20 ft away.
*** Drive was within 15 ft but could not convert the birdie putt.


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