Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Almost par...

I played a sort of practice round with Scotty, Greg, JB, and a few other guys. I started with just Scotty, but after 3 par'd holes, we met up with Greg and JB and played #2, and #3 again, before continuing on with our round. I was throwing pretty well, and my approach shots seemed to be sticking close to the pins. I made some great long putts on #2, and then #3 to stay at par. On #4, I threw a tomahawk over the tree that nearly went into the basket for a birdie, but was a tap-in par. In fact, I ended up parring every hole, except #8.

It was getting very dark, as we started kind of late (~ 4:30 PM), and my drive went high up the bank of trees and almost on the dog deck. I threw clear of the trees, but just had one tired throw after another and just gave up. I did par the final hole, so don't know what I would have really shot for the round - as I quit on #8 after 4 throws.

It was still great to throw so well for the majority of the round. On #6, I had a huge (for me) drive, and landed way out in the meadow, in "big boy" country with Scotty and Greg. I hope I can continue to improve and throw like this consistently. I can then start to play other more challenging courses without losing all my discs.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Better round

I went out and played this afternoon, around 4:15 and ended up catching Scotty and played a round with him. I drove mostly with the Champion Orc and it went pretty far and so I drove well today. There was no wind at all, so it flew far.

Round 1
3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3*, 3 = +5

* I had a great approach shot to the base of the goal. #8 (the temptress) was forgiving today.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Good throws, poor results

I have seemed to be making the right throws on most holes, but just not good throws, and so my scores have not been improving. In fact, my scores have been consistently bad. The four or five bad throws are too much to recover from, and so my scores reflect that. I seem to be starting out badly, being +2 after the first three holes, which are not that hard. I need to do better on those series of holes.

Round 1
3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3 = +5

Round 2
4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3 = +6

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Champion Shark

I added a newer version of the Shark, with this Champion Shark of 167 grams. The older Shark was heavier and also starting to get chewed up, so I thought I would get a new one. I will be interested to see if I could get more distance with this version.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Not so good today...

I played a quick 18 today, as it was such nice weather I had to play. Unfortunately, the weather could not help my score. I just had some really bad throws which cost me strokes, plus I putted horribly and that never helps. I must have had 2 putts per round which hit the chains and fell out, or hit the basket. Rats!!

Round 1
4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 6, 3, 4, 3 = +6

Round 2
4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3*, 3, 4, 3 = +6

* I had a great 2nd shot

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Second Birdie!

Well I shot two rounds of +5, but I got my second birdie on #7 on the back nine!!

I waited for the wind to die down today before I went out to throw and was rewarded with little to no breeze. I started around 3:45 PM and finished at 5:15 PM. Below are my scores for both rounds and each was marked with a lot of pars and then a few holes where I really messed up and took a five. More up and down rounds than I am use to.

Round 1
3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 5, 4, 3*, 3 = +5

* A nice tomahawk to within 2 feet for par

Round 2
3, 4, 3, 5, 3, 5, 2, 4*, 3 = +5

* A great bogey saving putt from 15 feet

#8, that cold temptress, was actually pretty kind to me today! I had a couple of my best, and some might say "luckiest", shots on her in both rounds. "It doesn't matter how, just how many!" and that was certainly true today.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Had a few good shots

Well I played 27 holes this afternoon, and had some good shots. Ended up shooting, +4, +5, +4 for the 3 rounds of 9 holes. The first two rounds I had a couple of holes where I had to rush, to get by some people - which usually causes me to not play those holes well. But it was a great day and still fun to get out and throw.

I also saw the geese fly overhead. I had my camera, but the batteries were dead - rats!! But I could hear them as they flew overhead in their V formation. I wished them a safe journey and bid them farewell.

Also the walking bridge was installed, although it was roped off from use, at least it was not on hole 6 anymore! :D

Friday, November 11, 2005

Disc List

Here is my complete list of discs:

1. Champion Valkyre - 149 grams
2. Champion Orc - 160 grams
3. Champion Wraith - 167 grams
4. Z-Crush - 168 grams
5. Pro Beast - 166 grams

Fairway Drivers
6. Champion Eagle - 166 grams
7. Eagle - 148 grams
8. * Pro Shark - 175 grams

9. Aero - 180 grams
10. Pro Birdie - 170 grams

* Sometimes putt with Pro Shark

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Played tonight

I got in a quick round before it started raining again. I got a chance to try out the new Orc and it worked really well. Better than my Z or Wraith even. I think with some practice I am really going to like it. I shot a good round for not playing (3 over) and saw Scotty and some of the other guys out there. I am not sure how much longer we'll be able to play with winter coming - but today was not too cold, so hopefully it will be a dry winter.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Final disc

I got this in the mail today. It is a 160 gram Champion Orc. It is heavier than my Val, and lighter than the Z-crush and Wraith. It is the last disc I am getting this year - unless I can find a "blow-fly" putter I like :D

This brings my disc total to 10, which seems like a lot, but then again I am just trying to find the right weights and discs for me.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Added a couple more discs

Scotty has had such success using his Z-Crush, that I figured I would get one as well. Plus mine has the De Laveaga logo, which I really like. While I was at the Santa Cruz course, I spotted these tiny glow in the dark discs and had to get one. How cute is it?? It actually flies pretty good as well.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Driving around De Laveaga

I went to Santa Cruz to play basketball, but got there early enough to drive around the De Leveaga Disc Golf course. It looks pretty difficult, but I would like to try it one of these days. There were a number of people playing and I spent a few minutes talking with a couple of folks who were playing the course. These pictures are not the best, as I took them as I drove down the road.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Today's Mail

Today I got my package from Diskfly!! It contained my new Ching cooler bag, and my 167 gram "Special Edition" Wraith. I was not expecting it to be the special edition, but was happy to see that logo when I opened the box!! I also got Scotty's "daughter of Crush" Z-Crush. I saw him out at Moraga and so handed it over in a sealed bag (so he can't claim it was "used" before he got it). I am still waiting for a package from DiscNation, and hope to round out my disc collection before the season ends.

I have also been thinking of maybe getting a "Moraga Disc Golf Club" together - with the logo "that's how we do it!" for next season. I think it would be fun to do, but I'll have to see how it goes.

As I mentioned above, I did go out and played a few holes this evening and I was rusty. I can't believe how quickly I lose my feel, but I did have a few nice longs putts which made my round. My score was nothing to write home about, but I like making long par saves with the shark!! Below are closer pictures of each of my items...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Started this blog

I have been playing disc golf for almost a month and so decided to start a blog dedicated to it. This way I can post my scores, thoughts and happenings in one place and not clutter up my other blog.

I bought another disc online from DiscNation today, and I don't seem too impressed so far. They are closer to me than DiscFly and yet the shipping is more expensive and estimated shipping time are both more. That is no good. We'll see how the shipping turns out - but DiscFly seems a better place so far.

I ordered a Champion Orc in 161 Grams. Greg has been throwing this one well and it seems a good addition as I search for the right weight and disc to use off the tee.

I am still waiting for my order from DiscFly to arrive; it has Scotty's Z-Crush, my Champion Wraith 165 Grams and a Ching Bag. I hope it comes tomorrow.

Mischief Managed!

I went back over to the disc golf course this morning determined to find my lost disc. I looked for about 20 minutes and was able to find it (as you can see from the picture above)!!

I just hated the idea of losing that disc, as it is the one I use most often off the tee and KNEW it had to be in those trees somewhere. I am glad I was able to find it fairly quickly... and got it down on the first shot with a rock! One day I will lose a disc for good - but today was not going to be that day!