Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Had a few good shots

Well I played 27 holes this afternoon, and had some good shots. Ended up shooting, +4, +5, +4 for the 3 rounds of 9 holes. The first two rounds I had a couple of holes where I had to rush, to get by some people - which usually causes me to not play those holes well. But it was a great day and still fun to get out and throw.

I also saw the geese fly overhead. I had my camera, but the batteries were dead - rats!! But I could hear them as they flew overhead in their V formation. I wished them a safe journey and bid them farewell.

Also the walking bridge was installed, although it was roped off from use, at least it was not on hole 6 anymore! :D


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