Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Thursday, October 12, 2006

From 9 to 15

Well I lost my 9 as fast as I got it. I am not too bummed, since I didn't even have a chance as I had to leave early. Ron, Chika, Gergg, Brant, J.B. and M.P. as well as myself played this evening but as I had to be home by 7:00 pm for a HOA meeting I left with only 12 holes completed. I was 4 over and not playing well anyway - so maybe it was a good thing. I heard from Gergg that he ended up 3rd, JB took 4th, Brant was 5th - but I don't know who took the #1 tag. I guess I will find out over the weekend... I do know it won't be me! :D


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