Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Monday, September 25, 2006

New basket for Moraga

Our new basket for the Moraga Disc Golf course arrived today from DGA.

Now that I have a job, I wanted to replace the vandalized and broken hole 3 basket with a new one and so made the decision to buy this basket as a gift for the course. So I bought this new Mach V basket as well as a couple of extra "sleeves" (so that we can install a few alternate pin locations) and two new basket number plates (one for hole #1 and the other for the new basket on hole #3). It costs around $450 bucks and although I may use a small amount of club money, this is mostly a donation from me (and my wife Kristin).

Hopefully I can get it installed before the rains come. I am looking forward to seeing people's reaction to it, and to the new pin placement options we'll have with this new basket. As for the old one, I have not decided if I want to try and fix it up and use it as a practice basket by hole #1, or sell it for future project costs. I am really not sure how much I could get for it, but Jeff Fiedler seems to think it would be valuable to sell... so we'll see. For now I am just excited to have received the basket so quickly, as I just ordered it last week and for putting it in the course soon.


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