Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Another disc

I added a Discraft "Surge" (168 grams) to the bag this week, but have yet to really throw it well.

I got it on Friday and went out and played with it right away. I had thought that a bag-tag round was going to be played, but as none of the regulars were around I ended up just practicing. So far this disc is a bit overstable and not as long as the Tee-Rex. Brant said that he did not like his Surge either at first, but after he broke it in the disc got longer and a little less stable - so we'll see.

I almost lost it that first day! As it was getting dark Brant and I threw a few discs on hole #8, my first two were nice and long so I decided to try the Surge and managed to throw it high and left (in the grove of trees). We looked but as it was getting dark we gave up the search and I decided to try and come back the next day to see if I could find it then. Luckily I did, under a pile of leaves after about a half-hour of looking. Hopefully that will be the last time I have to look for it - but I am not counting on it.


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