Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Friday, September 22, 2006

From 14 to 8

Well I played in the Friday bag-tag round with Matt, Craig, Brant and Chika - and came in fourth in a playoff. Chika took first with a 3 down, and then Matt with a 2 over, Craig and I shot 3 over, and then Brant went from #1 to #14. I did not play all that well and am still having issues with my drives. I did putt ok and that saved me. I had no birdies on the round, and still managed a 3 over.

Craig and I tied after 18, so we kept playing and when he birdied the first hole the #3 tag was his. I don't mind being #8, as that is about what I should be. But still it was all right there and I just could not drive well enough to get under par. Oh well, hopefully I can do better next time.


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