Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Needing good Karma

Well I have officially lost my first disc... in the bermuda triangle of my own making. I "grip-locked" my back-up candy wraith on hole #3 in Moraga yesterday during the tournament. I had to go back and throw from the tee and eventually took a 6P on the hole. It has come to my attention that a number of discs have gone missing since I moved the hole to its current position, and so that area to the left of the basket and down the road towards hole #8 has become our own Bermuda Triangle.

Today I went back to look for it and while I found someone else's red/black FLASH I could not find my disc (despite 2 hours of looking). I hope that this is where all my good Karma pays off, and someone will find it and give me a call. I do have my name on it, but as it is a practically brand new fund-raiser candy wraith I am not sure the finder will be able to resist just keeping it themselves. For the record it is a Purple see-through Wraith (169 grams).

If anyone does find it, please give me a call!! That disc was just starting to get broken in and I don't want to have to start the whole process over. Plus those discs are hard to find anymore. Come On Karma!!!


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