Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Bag Tags Arrive!

I was excited to get this shipment for this week-end's Moraga Disc Golf Bag-Tag Tournament. I really like how they came out and it will be great to see other reaction as I hand them out on Saturday. I got 1-30, so hopefully the club can raise enough money to do a few more tee boxes before winter hits and things get too muddy!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Innova Star Max

I got an Innova Star Max disc today in the mail from I had heard about it from Brant, and another player at Moraga (Chika) has been using one for a while now (as it is good for forehands) and so I figured I would order one as a back-up for my Tee-Rex. The Max is suppose to be very overstable and faster than a Tee-Rex.

After throwing it on a few holes this evening I can say that it is the most overstable disc I have. It seemed to tail off quite a bit as well, so it may be a good disc for hole #4 on windy days - I'll have to wait and see. Also you will notice that the event that this disc was made for has not happened yet, which I think is kind of cool.

Friday, October 20, 2006

New Shipment

Today I got my shipment of discs from Marshall Street. They are now a sponsor of our course and so I figured I would order a couple of discs I have been meaning to get. One is a Campion Eagle (167 grams) and the other is a KC Pro Roc (172 grams). They sent a silly sticker along as well so I figured I would add that to the photo. I have one more disc coming from another vendor and I hope it arrives early next week.

In the mean time, I plan to try out the new Roc on #4 and #7, where I hope it helps me make a few more birdies on those two holes!

Monday, October 16, 2006

A 2 from the stage

I played a cool evening round with Brant, Brett and Jesse yesterday, and although I was not playing too well, I did have one amazing shot.

I threw my Tee-Rex on #9 and with the headwind it did not turn back toward the basket and so I ended up some 100+ ft. away in front of the stage. I got to my disc and realized it would take all I had to get my putter to the basket, but it still seemed like the disc to throw... As I let it go, I thought well that might be good, as it flew towards the basket - and BANG - stuck in the chains!! Brant called it in the air and said he thought it was going in. It was a awesome shot and I only wish it was for an Ace rather than a duece - but shots like that difinately keep you coming back for more!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

From 9 to 15

Well I lost my 9 as fast as I got it. I am not too bummed, since I didn't even have a chance as I had to leave early. Ron, Chika, Gergg, Brant, J.B. and M.P. as well as myself played this evening but as I had to be home by 7:00 pm for a HOA meeting I left with only 12 holes completed. I was 4 over and not playing well anyway - so maybe it was a good thing. I heard from Gergg that he ended up 3rd, JB took 4th, Brant was 5th - but I don't know who took the #1 tag. I guess I will find out over the weekend... I do know it won't be me! :D

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Secret Weapons!

I bought a couple of new Gateway Evolution Inferno discs (Black 169 grams, White 172 grams) to try out, as Brant has been talking about how far they go and how fast they are. I decided to see what all the talk was about, and so bought one for me (black) and one for Brant as a surprise (White).

When I gave it to him this evening at Moraga he was excited and shocked. I don't think he had any idea I would order them, and certainly didn't expect to get one as a gift. We ended up trying them out on the 5th hole and through-out our round and they do seem a little faster than any other disc. As for the distance, I am getting more on some shots, mostly on #5 and am still learning to throw it. We decided to keep them on the "DL" and so they are our "Secret Weapons"... :D

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Another disc

I added a Discraft "Surge" (168 grams) to the bag this week, but have yet to really throw it well.

I got it on Friday and went out and played with it right away. I had thought that a bag-tag round was going to be played, but as none of the regulars were around I ended up just practicing. So far this disc is a bit overstable and not as long as the Tee-Rex. Brant said that he did not like his Surge either at first, but after he broke it in the disc got longer and a little less stable - so we'll see.

I almost lost it that first day! As it was getting dark Brant and I threw a few discs on hole #8, my first two were nice and long so I decided to try the Surge and managed to throw it high and left (in the grove of trees). We looked but as it was getting dark we gave up the search and I decided to try and come back the next day to see if I could find it then. Luckily I did, under a pile of leaves after about a half-hour of looking. Hopefully that will be the last time I have to look for it - but I am not counting on it.