Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Won the weekly

I managed to win this week's tournament at Moraga with a nice 2 down round (net of 47)!! The secret was that I had no bogey's on my card. I played with Brant who shot 4 down, and Scott H. who was going along really well but had a few penalty shots and/or tough lies that caused him to shoot a one over. The final member of our group was Dustin who had been practicing with me for most the afternoon at the St. Mary's field, but that practice didn't seem to pay off as he shot a 62 (Yikes!). It doesn't really matter as it was good to see him out there and that is what is important.

The practice out on the field was a lot of fun. We threw upshots and also played a game of PIG, but instead of just putting we also allowed for longer shots and we even played across the entire field as a par 5. It was much more enjoyable to practice with someone else... it made the time go by quicker as well as gave me someone to compete against. I hope to do it more in the future.


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