Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another bag-tag round

I managed to hold onto my tag again tonight, as I played with Ron, Matt, Craig and Brian. Jeff and Chase started out with us and then left to have dinner after five holes. I managed to play ok enough and ended at +2. Brian kept his #1 plate, with a -5, Ron stayed at #2 with -2, and Matt played par.

I had been practicing at the Saint Mary's field, and was figured I would play a quick nine holes before heading home for dinner, but I showed up when everyone was starting and so figured I would join in. I played the front nine in par, but on the second nine I had a couple of bogeys that lead me to the +2 finish. Brant caught up to us later in the round, but he had not been playing and so was able to keep his #3 tag without having to put it on the line.


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