Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Keeping #8

I played a bag-tag round with Brant and was able to hold onto #8. I had one bad hole, #6, where I had a roll away on my 4th shot and so ended up with a six. I had a couple of birdies and so I ended up with a plus three. Unfortunately Brant did not play very well either and ended up at 6 over...

I am sure he will play better tomorrow and get rid of #14. I just hope I can shot better as well and move up too!

Monday, September 25, 2006

New basket for Moraga

Our new basket for the Moraga Disc Golf course arrived today from DGA.

Now that I have a job, I wanted to replace the vandalized and broken hole 3 basket with a new one and so made the decision to buy this basket as a gift for the course. So I bought this new Mach V basket as well as a couple of extra "sleeves" (so that we can install a few alternate pin locations) and two new basket number plates (one for hole #1 and the other for the new basket on hole #3). It costs around $450 bucks and although I may use a small amount of club money, this is mostly a donation from me (and my wife Kristin).

Hopefully I can get it installed before the rains come. I am looking forward to seeing people's reaction to it, and to the new pin placement options we'll have with this new basket. As for the old one, I have not decided if I want to try and fix it up and use it as a practice basket by hole #1, or sell it for future project costs. I am really not sure how much I could get for it, but Jeff Fiedler seems to think it would be valuable to sell... so we'll see. For now I am just excited to have received the basket so quickly, as I just ordered it last week and for putting it in the course soon.

Friday, September 22, 2006

From 14 to 8

Well I played in the Friday bag-tag round with Matt, Craig, Brant and Chika - and came in fourth in a playoff. Chika took first with a 3 down, and then Matt with a 2 over, Craig and I shot 3 over, and then Brant went from #1 to #14. I did not play all that well and am still having issues with my drives. I did putt ok and that saved me. I had no birdies on the round, and still managed a 3 over.

Craig and I tied after 18, so we kept playing and when he birdied the first hole the #3 tag was his. I don't mind being #8, as that is about what I should be. But still it was all right there and I just could not drive well enough to get under par. Oh well, hopefully I can do better next time.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Chika ROCKS!!

I got my lost disc back tonight!! My friend Chika found my lost Wraith in a tree on hole #3 at Moraga. I had all but given up on that disc, as it has been a few weeks and I spent a lot of time looking for it to no avail. I was so excited about getting it back, that the fact I won the weekly tournament seem anti-climatic. THANK YOU AGAIN CHIKA!!!

Well that, and I had thought that my friend Karen had gotten second... as it turns out, I made a mistake in her score and she got 6th instead. Still her personal best in the tournament and one better than her handicap - hopefully she wins next week!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Needing good Karma

Well I have officially lost my first disc... in the bermuda triangle of my own making. I "grip-locked" my back-up candy wraith on hole #3 in Moraga yesterday during the tournament. I had to go back and throw from the tee and eventually took a 6P on the hole. It has come to my attention that a number of discs have gone missing since I moved the hole to its current position, and so that area to the left of the basket and down the road towards hole #8 has become our own Bermuda Triangle.

Today I went back to look for it and while I found someone else's red/black FLASH I could not find my disc (despite 2 hours of looking). I hope that this is where all my good Karma pays off, and someone will find it and give me a call. I do have my name on it, but as it is a practically brand new fund-raiser candy wraith I am not sure the finder will be able to resist just keeping it themselves. For the record it is a Purple see-through Wraith (169 grams).

If anyone does find it, please give me a call!! That disc was just starting to get broken in and I don't want to have to start the whole process over. Plus those discs are hard to find anymore. Come On Karma!!!