Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Friday, June 30, 2006

Another bag-tag Round

Well the top seven bag-tag holders played tonight for what has to be the biggest bag-tag round yet. The only person who could not play was Craig, and he was missed. I played with Brian, Chika and Brant (non-smokers) while Ron, Matt and Chase played in the group behind us. Unfortunately it was a little hard for the the big guns to keep tabs on each other this way, but with a group of seven players it did not seem appropriate to have one huge group.

I did not play especially well, as my putting continued to be an issue. I "poled" a lot of putts that I could of made, which left me a few over par. Still I was ahead of Brant and potentially Chase, but in the end came out last. Brian was on fire and was 7 under at one point, but finished -6 and in first place. Ron was second, Brant in third and there was a three-way tie for fourth-sixth (at even). The net was Matt took 6 as he had to go, and Chika/Chase played on. I think Chase ended up with four and Chika got five, but I am not sure.

As it stands now:
#1 - Brian
#2 - Ron
#3 - Brant
#4 - Chase
#5 - Chika
#6 - Matt
#7 - Me
#8 - Craig
#9 - Open (i.e. someone needs to make this tag)
#10 - Open (i.e. someone needs to make this tag)

Hopefully I will get organized and make "official" tags soon and start posting the results on the Moraga web site.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

New Banger GT - ESP

I finally found a Banger-GT in the new ESP plastic. The one I got is 170 grams, the only other one I saw at Games of Berkeley was yellow and 174 grams and as all the rest of mine at between 170-172 - I figured I would get one in that range. Plus this one is Tarheel Blue, so I could not pass it up.

It seems lighter than the other ones when I compare them to each other, so maybe the weights are off or the new plastic just has a lighter feel - who knows. Anyway, I like the feel and as long as it doesn't "spit out" of the chains I will probably start using it instead of "Black Mamba".

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bag Tag Round

Tonight I went out to the course and played a round with Ron, Craig and Chika for Moraga Bag Tags, which was a lot of fun. It is nice to be considered good enough to play with "the big boys" at our course and I did pretty well shooting a even par 54. I had a number of good shots, including a birdie from 70' on number 4 of our second nine. I did have a couple of bad throws which cost me a chance a really good round.

Ron played well, as usual and won our group with a 4 down, Chika fresh from his trip to the Japan Open shot a 2 down, and uncharacteristically Craig shot a 3 over, so I was able to move up from my tag of #8, to #5 (see below). I am not sure how long I will have it, but that is not really the point - it is just great to be able to play with the best players at our course and be in the running. I look forward to playing more with them as it can only help improve my game.

As it stands at the moment: - I think...
#1 - Ron
#2 - Matt
#3 - Chika
#4 - Brant
#5 - Me
#6 - Chase
#7 - Brian
#8 - Craig
#9 - Open (i.e. someone needs to make this tag)
#10 - Open (i.e. someone needs to make this tag)

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Tonight I managed to beat the "Greg's" and win a coupe of bucks! I came back to shoot an even par 9, while Gregg shot a +1 and TW shot in his words "ass" (well not really I believe he was +5)... Heehee

I had to make a couple of birdies on #2 and #7 to make up for the bogies on #1 and #5. I had a big up-shot on #9 from across the road to close Gregg out. It was just nice to play with them both, winning is just a bonus (and I'll take the very rare win).

Friday, June 16, 2006

Santa Cruz Magic

Dustin and I went to Santa Cruz today to play DeLa, and we had a great day. It was very warm, but there was not many players out and so we were able to play around fairly quickly. We both shot a +14, and I had a very up and down round. I had 3 birdies on holes #3, #10, and #17 - but also had 6 on #9, and 5 on #11, #23, and #24 - yikes.

I had one of the best birdies of my short career on #10, as I made a putt of about 80' (according to Dustin). I had a drive hole-high but close to the tee for #9. I had to stand right behind a large tree and was just trying to lag it close to the hole and I watched as it floated closer and closer to the hole and then BANG it went in!! It was amazing!!

Dustin had a long putt on hole #23, from under a tree about 70' feet away and he also tried to just get it close... but I watched as it just kept going and going and then hit right off the chains and pole and fell in for a birdie. If he hadn't hit it, it would have gone by for a long, long ways.

First 9 including 8A:
S - 5, 4, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 6 = +7
D - 3, 5*, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3 = +9

* Not including penalty shot for being above 10 meters

Holes 10-19 (minus closed holes):
S - 2, 5, 3, C, C, C, C, 2, 3, 4 = +8
D - 4, 5, 2, C, C, C, C, 3, 3, 3 = +11

Holes 20-27
S - X, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3, 4 = +14
D - 3, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3, 4 = +13

Overall it was a lot of fun to play Santa Cruz with Dustin and I look forward to playing with more Moraga folks over the summer.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Practicing Helps

I went out to the Saint Mary's field and practiced upshots, drives and putting for a few hours. I seemed to find my putting stroke and also enjoyed trying to get it into the basket from off the hill. I was not able to, but I can't wait to go back and try it again.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Current Disc in the Bag

It has been awhile since I posted the discs I am playing with, and so I thought I would post an update and share what discs I am using and in my new Revolution bag:

1. Star SL - 165 grams
2. Star Wraith - 168 grams
3. Champion Wraith - 167 grams
4. Star Valkyre - 167 grams
5. Star Sidewinder - 165 grams
6. Candy Z-Crush - 168 grams
7. Champion Orc - 160 grams
8. Champion Eagle - 171 grams
9. Star Tee-Rex - 170 grams

Fairway Drivers:
10. Star TL - 168 grams
11. Eye Roc - 168 grams

12. Banger GT - 168-170 grams
13. Gummy - 170 grams

NOT in my bag:

On the Shelf: Back-ups
1. Star SL - 167 grams
2. Candy Wraith - 168 grams
3. DX Beast * - 166 grams
* For risky water holes

On the Shelf: Prefer alternatives or have moved on
5. Champion Tie-Dye Orc - 175 grams (too heavy)
6. Pro Shark - 175 grams (Roc took its place)
7. Champion Shark - 165 grams (same as above)
8. Champion Valkyre - 149 grams (too light)
9. Aero - 180 grams - Traded to Greg R.
10. Pro Beast - 166 grams - Sold to Scotty H.
11. Pro Birdie - 170 grams (didn't like)

Lost :( :
1. DX Eagle - 148 grams (Berkeley)
2. Champion Eagle - 166 grams (Berkeley)
3. DX Eagle - 165 grams (Berkeley)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Another great trip to DeLa

I went to DeLa in Santa Cruz today and played a couple of practice rounds. The first one I shot a decent +12 round by myself and then played a second round with a couple of local players. There was Ed, the VP of the club and someone I met when I volunteered at the Pro Master's Cup. I also played with a young gun named Chris and Rob who sells discs out of the white van, and finally Mark (a local guy who I have seen a numerous events and has a great throwing form).

On my second round I had two of my best par saves ever on this course. The first was on hole #10 with the pin in the very back position, when I hit a tree on the right side of the fairway and bounced/landed relatively deep on the left hand-side and under the brush. I three a side arm shot through a small opening and which landed some 100 ft. away and right under the basket for a drop in par.

Hole #12 has gotten the better of me ever since they moved it back to the long position and now it is back and right, which may be even tougher. Well my drive was decent, straight up the fairway but somewhat short. Ed suggested that I throw it down the fairway to the end and let it drift to the left at the finish. I laughed, as I have not demonstrated the ability to shoot that shot and told the group so... but I gave it a shot and my Star TL did just as Ed suggested (to my great surprise). I had about a 15 ft. putt and after making it for par I can only hope that it served to get rid of the demons that seemed to plague me on this hole.

Otherwise it was a great day in Santa Cruz and this course continues to be my favorite for both the quality of the people you get to play with and the shots that are required to play well. I only wish I could play it more often. I bought a bag tag to help support the course and look forward to the chance to play and get a lower one in the weeks ahead.

Back-up Candy Wraith

I was surprised to see this disc in Santa Cruz today, and so had to get it to back up my favorite Wraith. It is one gram heavier (168 grams) than my lime green one and a very nice blue with purple highlights. I may have to play with it a little to break it in and then put it away until it is needed. I have come to the point where I know what discs work for me and this disc falls into that category and so a backup can't hurt!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

New Star SL

I bought this disc from Neil Bondy in Berkeley, as I am starting to turn over my older Star SL. This disc has been my longest and straightest driver, but lately I have been turning it over and so I wanted to get another one. This new one is 167 grams as has the standard logo instead the purple Santa Cruz logo (which I sort of prefer, but am not sure when/if they will have one). Neil was nice and gave me a good deal so I had to buy it! :D