Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bag Tag Round

Tonight I went out to the course and played a round with Ron, Craig and Chika for Moraga Bag Tags, which was a lot of fun. It is nice to be considered good enough to play with "the big boys" at our course and I did pretty well shooting a even par 54. I had a number of good shots, including a birdie from 70' on number 4 of our second nine. I did have a couple of bad throws which cost me a chance a really good round.

Ron played well, as usual and won our group with a 4 down, Chika fresh from his trip to the Japan Open shot a 2 down, and uncharacteristically Craig shot a 3 over, so I was able to move up from my tag of #8, to #5 (see below). I am not sure how long I will have it, but that is not really the point - it is just great to be able to play with the best players at our course and be in the running. I look forward to playing more with them as it can only help improve my game.

As it stands at the moment: - I think...
#1 - Ron
#2 - Matt
#3 - Chika
#4 - Brant
#5 - Me
#6 - Chase
#7 - Brian
#8 - Craig
#9 - Open (i.e. someone needs to make this tag)
#10 - Open (i.e. someone needs to make this tag)


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