Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Monday, May 22, 2006

Best round @ Moraga

I had my best round ever at Moraga today with Greg and shot a -4 (see scorecard below). I started out not expecting much as I have not been playing that well and was fresh off a 2 round beating from Greg the day before. But on the first hole, I made a lucky putt from underneath a tree for a birdie that seemed to get me started on the right foot. I ended up not giving up the tee pad until the final hole of the round.

For most of the first nine I played consistent, not finding myself in too much trouble off the tee and with reasonable upshots for easy pars. For some reason I was able to really concentrate well on my putts and each one seemed routine. Greg was making par right along side me and so it didn't feel like I was having an especially good round, but just keeping pace with him. On hole 6 I had a poor drive, and was left with a huge upshot from the path by the bridge, which seemed a very long way away! And yet, I was able to make a great approach shot and get it close enough for a 12' foot putt which I drained for par. That shot got me thinking I was having a pretty good round and that I might be able to stay with Greg (for today at least).

I went on to birdie hole 7, which Greg almost aced on a skip shot (it hit the chains and fell out) and then hole 9, to make the turn at -3. At this point I was hoping to hang on and just trying not think about my score, but on making the best next shot I could... but in the back of my mind I knew I was having a good day and just how good would depend on this next nine holes.

I started the back nine with routine pars on the first 3 holes, and then birdied hole 4 after a great drive. I just keep thinking about each shot and each putt, and was aware that I seemed to making all the putts (and shots) I needed to. I had not had any bogeys to this point and with each hole I sort of felt the pressure building to finish off the round well. I got through hole 6 with a par, and then birdied 7 from a good 20' feet and was -5 with 2 holes to play.

I was getting tired and feeling a bit more pressure and threw my worst drive of the day - right into the hillside about equal with the path walking from hole 6. I then tried a simple straight shot between the trees, just to get it close and save par, only to watch it hit the trees and fall down. I took a deep breath and put it close and made the putt for my first bogey of the day. I was still on track for my best round ever, and after managing to get par and secure a -4 round, I was relieved to have finished as well as I did. My previous best at Moraga was even par, so this was a major step forward for me!! Hopefully I can continue to improve and play like this more often.

Best Round Ever
2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2 = -3
3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3 = -1 Total -4


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