Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday @ DeLa

Today Gregg L. and I went to play the Santa Cruz course to prepare for next week's tournament. DeLa has a weekly doubles tournament that starts at 9:30 am, and Gregg wanted a chance to play the course with local players to see what lines they throw and to get in some throws on the course. I just wanted to play and figured I would go as well.

We got there around 9:00 am and had plenty of time to throw practice drives and putts. Once the guys got organized, we each paired off with an "A" player and headed out. I did not play particularly well, and thus put a lot of pressure on my partner to keep us under par. I did have one good hole, #20 where I threw a great drive and then made the 35' foot putt for birdie. Unfortunately it was not enough and we finished out of the money. Gregg L. did better, but also finished out of the cash.

Greg (TW) Randolf showed up around 12:30 and so after a short break we headed out again. Greg was trying to get warmed up and didn't play as well as he had been. I started off playing fairly well and after playing the parking lot through 27, the Greg's decided to start over and I won the shortened round. :D I don't think I have eve won cash before, so it was nice although it felt like cheating as we only played 8 holes.

As we began again on hole #1, everyone was looking to improve their play and see how we would do throwing our own discs for the entire round. Gregg threw a few extras to get in some practice and I was still shooting about bogey golf. Greg (TW) had some great throws but was up and down and couldn't seem to score as well as he had been. I started playing a little better than I had in the morning (when I hit a tree on seemingly every drive) and took an early lead. It was nice to be playing better, but I also knew that the Gregs were likely to put a run of birdies or pars together at any moment so I need to get shooting well if I wanted to keep up with them.

By the time we got back to the parking lot, everyone was starting to get tired, and Greg (TW) decided to get an early start back home. Gregg L. and I continued on, and Gregg really getting hot and finished with 6 straight pars, before we called it quits after hole #24. I ended up beating Gregg by 1 stroke, as I had built up a lead prior to his hot streak, and we were both pooped from a lot of golf holes.

I feel pretty ready for the AM Masters next week, and hope to get one more day of practice in there (maybe on Wednesday) before the event. It was a lot of fun to play with the Gregs at DeLa, as I never get the chance to play with the local boys at my favorite course. Hopefully we can do it again soon.


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