Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Master's Cup - Day 3

After a better nights sleep, I got up around 6:00 AM and proceeded to get a shower, then headed to Starbucks (where I got some coffee and a maple scone) and then off to the course. Kristin had left me some water in the car, so I didn't need to stop anywhere.

I got to the course around 7:00 AM, and there was not really anyone there from the tournament staff yet. I took the time to practice putting and some up shots. I noticed that Jon and Jason were playing hole #20, so I kidded them that they must have slept at the course. They said they were trying out new discs, and I wished them good luck. I was putting pretty well, but my up shots were inconsistent. I figured that I was pretty much locked into second place, being 20 shots behind, and also safe from Kane or Jason unless I imploded altogether or they got super hot. Still I was a little nervous given how my round yesterday had gone, but happy in the knowledge that today was the final round.

When we got to the tee, I found out that we would not be playing holes #13-#16, which was a nice surprise. Marty said that we would however be playing hole #5 (yeah!) but also hole #26A (which had given me trouble on day 1). Otherwise we were free to tee off and I was looking forward to being able to play at our own pace and not having to wait on every shot, as we had done for most of the tournament.

The tension between myself and Jon was over, and we both cheered each other (and the rest of the group) on with each good shot. I started off badly with a couple of bogies and a double, before finally getting my first par on hole #4. Despite the relatively easy set-up of the course, I was not having much success. I finally got a birdie on #8 with a parked tee shot, but the rest of the front passed without any major moves by anyone. Jon was still on fire, and was under par for most of the front side. I was starting to wonder if he was not in fact a more experienced player than he let on to be, and that the first day was the odd poor round for him... but it really didn't matter at this point. Kane was continuing his good play from the day before, but his opening round had put him in a huge hole (like me at Napa) so he was unlikely to be able to catch me. Jason played really well on the middle holes and was getting closer to me, I was starting to wonder exactly how many strokes I had to play with, but then figured if I just played the course and focused on my game I would be ok.

I had a close run at hole #17, and just missed a birdie, then played the next couple of holes at par. By the time we reached the parking lot, I was just focused on finishing the tournament and being done. The 3 days of playing, waiting and walking around was starting to take its toll and I had to really just stay in the moment and finish strong. I also didn't want to lose second, as that was my only shot at getting any cash - and as we rounded the parking lot, I had a few more pars and felt that Jason might be running out of holes to catch me. I was more playing "match play" with him and making sure that I did no worse than he did, while still trying to get par or better on each hole. I parred holes #24, #25, and #26 (with a great drive to within 30 ft.). As we headed to hole #26A at the top of the hill, I figured if I kept my drive in bounds that would seal the deal. I had the tee and just focused and threw my TL right down the middle. It went long and straight and came down on the left-hand side but very much in bounds. Unfortunately Jason threw his tee shot OB and that was it for his bid at second place.

As out group headed to the tee at "top of the world", Jon made the comment that he wished we had a camera to take a picture of our group. I said I had mine and so we planned to take a picture on the tee, which we did (see below). I asked him for his advice on throwing that hole, as I had really struggled with what to do and he had parked it both days. He told me to throw it straight and let the disc "turn over" on its own. I tried it, and it went right to the first tee pad, which is the best shot I think I have ever had on that hole and led to my first par on #27 all tournament.

Men's Rec Division - Myself, Jason, Jon, and Kane

We got done with the round about 10:40 AM, and thanked each other for playing. I asked Jon if he had any idea when they might do the awards, and he said he thought it would be at end of the day. I asked Marty about if they would pay out 2nd place, and he said that he thought they would, but that he had other people handling that aspect of the tournament for him. He said the awards would be after everyone was finished (whenever that was), but that if I was not there he would make sure I got whatever the prize turned out to be.

I now had a chance to relax and just hang out. I saw the Huk Lab guy (Jay) and we chatted for awhile. He had a great dog with him (his furry co-pilot) Boojum, who I think was an Irish Setter and Golden Lab mix. He looked like a shorter and stockier Irish Setter, and turned out to be really smart, mellow and just a wonderful fun dog. I bought a shirt from him, and looked around and found a nice Coyote disc with the Huk Lab logo on it and got that too. I looked at the DGA booth, but they didn't seem to have much I wanted at that point. I called Kristin and decided to go and pick her up at the hotel.

After we checked out, we headed to get me some lunch at Tacos Morenos, and then to our favorite beach spot (overlooking the harbor, wharf and boardwalk. Kristin took some pictures of me, and a cute little 3 legged dog who wanted to share my lunch. It was a glorious day, very sunny wand warm, and after lunch we figured we would head back up to the course and see how Gregg and the rest of the field was doing.

We got back up there around 1:30 PM and proceeded to check out the standings, chat with Anne who was done for the day and also look at all the stuff. Jay was getting ready to go and play in his division and so was closed up the Huk Lab booth. I sat in front of it and played with his dog for most of the rest of the day. I answered a few questions for people and let them know that Jay had more stuff available and would be around later to sell stuff. BooJum was such a cool dog, and I gave him a old tennis ball I had in my car, which he took to chewing and then wanting to have me throw for him.

The afternoon wore on, and once Les came in (after parking his tee shot on #27 to be closed to the pin (or CTP), we waited for the leaders and the awards ceremony. Finally at about 4:15 the leader group came through and we figured that it would not be long until we could get the goods and take off. I figured I would get something, but was not sure what or how much. Before that could take place, it was announced that there was a play-off for 1st place and so 2 guys headed back out to #1. It was amazing to see these guys play under the pressure of (a) the tournament being on the line, and (2) having 50-60 people watching them. As the day had wore on, more and more people gathered by the road to chat about their rounds and watch the remaining groups come in (cheering good shots and trying to will bad shots back in bounds - it was a lot of fun to see how people reacted to the growing crowd). The eventual winner won on the second playoff hole, with a HUGE "thumber" to within 45-50ft. of the hole and a near birdie putt. It was amazing to see.

The trophies were set up and I took a quick look. Unfortunately there was only a first place trophy for our division, while in other ones there was a first AND second place - oh well. They announced the winners of the woman's divisions and the Senior Masters, and then ours. It was nice to hear my name called and I went up to accept my award for second place. I got a big round of applause and a certificate for $65.00 bucks - WOW, it was more than I expected. I stayed around and clapped for those others who won in AM2, and as the AMs were being announced I headed over the DGA booth to select my prizes (see below). It was nice to get so much for second, and I only wish I could have spent it at Huk Lab as well as DGA, but was not able to (maybe if I go to Oregon for the Fling which they are sponsoring it might be that way).

I ended up getting a DGA polo shirt, towel, visor and mini-disc.

Overall it was a long, but very enjoyable 3 days. Unfortunately I did not play as well as I had hoped (or up to my expectations), given how well I had been playing and how much I had practiced. I have to remind myself that I have only been playing for 6 months and not 6 years, and that many of the people here have been playing for much longer than I have and it takes time to get good. I had a great time and it was nice that Kristin got a chance to be there with me and see me play. She was very patient on Sunday while we waited and hung out, and I am glad we did as who knows when I might play or win again. Now I have to look forward to being around and helping out on the Pro version in 2 weeks... and then maybe the Oregon State Fling in mid-May, not to mention the Moraga Weekly on Tuesday.


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