Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Master's Cup - Day 2

Kristin and I stayed at the Bayview Hotel in Aptos and neither of us got much sleep. This hotel has a bar and we were lucky enough to get the room right over it. Needless to say we were up until 1:30 AM, before finally they closed. This hotel is not really a bed and breakfast, although the play one on the internet, as the place is loud and really not sure what it wants to be.

After an ok breakfast, we asked about getting another room and they did manage to find one on the third floor, which was handy as we were prepared to go to another hotel than stay another night in this noisy hotel. We moved our stuff into this new room and not more than 20 minutes later, the front desk calls us back to inform us that there is a wedding that night and that they are likely to be playing music outside until 10 PM. Kristin and I decide to stay anyway as we are probably going the disc golf party that night and so probably won't be back until around that time anyway. Plus we think that being on the 3rd floor should help with the noise...

I decided to use my new basket and throw some in lower DeLa park before my round, so Kristin and I head over there about 1:00 PM. I throw a couple of up shots and practice putting for about an hour or so (see picture below) and feel pretty prepared to play. While I was not putting especially well, I am glad to have had the time to do some work beforehand. At around 2:00 PM we pack up and head to the event.

I arrive at 2:25 PM, which I think is plenty of time for my 2:40 PM starting time, but come to find out that I am suppose to be there at 2:20 PM for a 2:30 PM tee time - yikes!! I rush up to the tee and get there just in time. I tee off 2nd and still seem a bit rushed.

I played ok for the first 10 holes, as I had 5 pars and only 1 five - but then on hole #11 I just started to throw badly. I could not seem to make 2 good throws in a row. Over the next 8 holes, I take three 6's, a 7!! In fact, on hole #18 I am laying up with my 3rd shot from 25 ft away and park it under the, only to watch in horror as it catches a root, gets on edge and proceeds to roll completely OFF THE WORLD!!! I mean it is gone over a cliff that I can not see beyond and thus my putter was lost (or donated to the disc golf gods depending on your religion). That was a tough one to take as I should have had at worst a 4, and instead take a 7 - wow!

The rest of my round was up and down and I really didn't have anything exciting happen. Unfortunately the man I was trying to catch was on fire for most of the day, he carded a 98 to my 112 and thus ended my hope for any chance at winning. Meanwhile Kane played much better, I guess figuring that he had nothing to lose, and actually beat me for the day by 1. Jason shot a 116 so I continued to but space between myself and my nearest rival and was up 8 going into the final day.

I was very disappointed in how I played, and the fact I could not hold my round together and/or score as I had been. I am not sure why I did not execute, aside from being tired - and I really tried to not worry about the last shot when I was playing poorly, but it didn't seem to help. I was seemingly unable to just make simple, easy throws back-to-back. I really need to work on this aspect of things, but am just not sure how.

On a positive note, I was able to meet the guy from huk labs, and he was really nice. I bought a visor from him the first day, and today maybe wanted to get shirt but by the time we got off the course he was packing up for the party that was set to start at 7:30-8:00 PM at club caution on Front Street. I asked if he was going to be around tomorrow, which he was, so with that I headed off and let him pack up. Kristin met me after my round and we headed with Gregg L, Les and Anne over to the party.

We got there and not many people were there yet. Gregg got us a round of drinks and we talked about my round. Gregg was in the middle of his division and said he was shooting better than the first day. I explained how my round went and that I was hoping I could hold onto second, given how I was playing. The raffle got started as our food arrived and Gregg managed to win a couple of nice discs. Anne won a great huk lab shirt (as it turns out she bought 20 tickets) and I got zip - oh well. We finished our dinner and stuck around for the second raffle, for the basket. None of us won anything in this one and we left around 10:00 PM.

When Kristin and I arrived back at the hotel, the wedding was still going on - it started at 4:00 PM. They were suppose to be inside by now, but weren't and so after 20 minutes or so, I called down and asked them when the wedding would be over. The staff evidentially ran out and told the DJ, as we hear over the speakers "The hotel has asked me to shut it off so goodnight..." and with that the party is over. I had no idea that would happen, but am glad to get the rest. I swear we are never staying here again!

Tomorrow is the final day, and our group is suppose to tee off first at 7:30 AM. I will be glad to finish this thing as it has been a long 2 days already. I hope I can shoot better and maybe get some cash. I guess I will have to wait and see.


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