Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Friday, February 10, 2006

Santa Cruz & new plastic

I went to Santa Cruz and picked up this new Star SL (165 grams) with the DeLa logo on it. I wished that they had another color (as my Star Wraith is also white with the same logo), but that was all they had. I only got a chance to make one throw with it, but according to Innova it is suppose to have a longer glide and take less arm strength to throw, so I am hoping it can add a little distance to my throws - we'll see.

Otherwise it was again great to play in Santa Cruz. I just love the vibe they have there and everyone is really nice and some very good golfers. I played with 3 local guys and we all had some good shots and some forgettable ones. I think I was 10 over for the 18 holes I played before leaving for basketball. I find that I learn something new every time I play that course, as it is so much more demanding than Moraga. But then, it is over a hour drive so I can't really play it that much more than once a week.


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