Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Great weather for some quick rounds

I played a number of rounds today with first Nick, than the Gregs, and finally Dave. We got in at least 36 holes it not more. I have a number of good shots and seemed to be putting and approaching better. I had a couple of long birdie and par saves... which I was encouraged by.

Tiger woods had some great shots and putts, as well as a few close calls at an Ace. I think he is due to hit one soon, and I only hope to be there to see it.

The other Greg (Greg L.) is just very steady, he keeps himself in play with good shots and on his better shots he'll have a chance at birdie. He rarely seems to beats himself, but rather takes his chances as he gets them. If he does make a bad throw or slip, he is good enough to recover and minimize the damage. A great player to learn from.

Nick, on the other hand seems to be up and down, and while he is plays well, I think he could improve even more by taking just a fraction more time before each shot. He rushes at times and I think that costs him a few strokes here and there.

And as for me, the more I play the better my game gets. I need to settle on a putting style, and commit to it, not to mention getting physically stronger to be able to make throw (and especially putt) more easily. I have been practicing rollers and those have come in handy and actually saved me a few strokes here and there. I just have to remember that this game is about having fun with friends and not a contest to see who's best. I have only been playing for a few months now and everyone else has played much longer (in some cases years longer) than I have, so I need to be patient with myself and work on each aspect of my game... I'll get there eventually.


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