Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Nice playing partner

I got the rare opportunity to play with a reining would champion (Nate Doss) and some other great players today in Santa Cruz. He was a very nice and low key guy. His driving was ridiculously accurate but his putting seemed to be the biggest difference from other very good players I have played with. He was even nice enough to sign my putter (the only discraft disc I play - and his sponsor). He also gave me some pointers on the history of the thumb groove - it was actually something he had tried and liked in a driver, before being put into putters.

I also was finally able to find a star wraith in my weight (168 grams) so I got one. It has the Santa Cruz club logo which makes it that much better.

I actually played pretty well and was only +4 after nine but did not have a chance to complete the round (as I had to play hoops at 4 pm and also hunt for my lost Star Sidewinder - which I ultimately found). All-in-all a very good day of playing.


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