Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday practice and close call

I went out late this afternoon, as I spent a considerable amount of time on the web site. It was such a nice day I did not want to spend it all inside. I met up with Scotty and Makey... and saw Nick, Brian, Ron, Matt and a few others around the course.

We did not play a real round, but instead played some mystery holes and skipped around. One hole we did play was #8, and I had a great drive and was only about 25 ft from the hole (on the road). I had a legit chance for birdie and it hit the top of the basket and fell off and behind the pin. I almost had a birdie on #8 before Scotty... and I think he may have been rooting for me to miss (and who could blame him?). Still it was nice to get so close, and I will get it someday.


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