Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Nine Holes & Course Work

I wanted to figure out how far each of the holes at Moraga was, and after having Brian's GPS for over 2 weeks, I finally figured out how to use it and so walked the course and shot the distance to each hole.

Once that was done, I played nine holes before playing some doubles with Scotty, Greg, J.B., T.P. and Dustin. My score for nine holes is below.

2*, 2**, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3 = +1

* I threw my new Val on this hole (with a big Hyzer) and it landed at base of last tree (Scotty style).
** I finally got a birdie on #2!! It was a big throw to 20 ft left of basket and a nice putt!

In doubles - I was teamed with Dustin, and Greg and Scotty won by 1 shot over T.P. and J.B. and by 2 over us. We had the lead early, but could not hold on and T-woods made a huge putt on #9 to seal the deal - Clutch!!


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