Scoots Disc Golf-O-Rama

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Lost my first disc

This is the 3rd hole basket at the Moraga course. Don't know why I took this picture, except to give everyone a chance to sort of see the condition of the 9 hole course.

Today I lost my first disc, my favorite one (a 149 gram Val). I am hoping that I can find it tomorrow morning, when it is more light out. I was playing fairly late and lost it in the trees. I hate the idea of just leaving a disc behind, but I had no choice. I don't think anyone else will find it before me... or at least I hope not. :D

Saturday, October 29, 2005

First Birdie

Well I got my first birdie playing disc golf today. I had a great drive on #9 at the Moraga course and only about 8 feet for my second shot which landed in the basket. I have been playing a few weeks now and have never really had a birdie chance until today. I was playing with Scotty, G, and JB and it was great to have them celebrate it with me. I did not have my camera, but is was a great drive and I was happy to feel like I am making progress and playing better. I can't wait until that kind of shot is routine.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Golf game improving

My Disc Golf game is improving, as I have been playing almost every evening from 5-7PM (which is usually enough time to get in at least 18 holes). I added a couple of driving discs last week, bringing me up to a total of 5, and those new ones have added some distance off the tee (although my throwing motion has also improved). Tonight was my 9 hole score yet (5 over), which is not too bad considering I have yet to have a birdie on any hole. Unfortunately I kind of tweaked my back from trying to throw too hard, just like in regular golf the secret is to have a smooth motion and not to over-do it, which I need to remember. Still I am happy to see the progress and it is a lot of fun.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Disc Golf

I did a bunch of things today, and one thing I found time to do was get in a few more holes of frisbee (or disc) golf. I am getting better with each time I play. The other day I played with a few local guys who were really good and they showed me a few different techniques and throws - which are really starting to help my game. My drives are still far too short and inconsistent, but my scoring is not too bad. I tend to get a few pars and an occasional birdie.

The picture above is how close I got on my first throw on #8. I was still some 20 feet away, but the camera makes it seem like I was much closer. :D

Monday, October 03, 2005

Good day for golf

Today was a great day as it was sunny and warm. It is amazing for October and very unlike last year when it was rainy and wet already. I got out and played a little frisbee golf. It was fun and I did ok, I think. The course was not all that clearly marked and some of the baskets were VERY far away. But I got the hang of it and would like to check out a few books to get some pointers on the right way to throw the disk. I seemed to have a good throw and then a few bad throws.. and threw it a different way each time.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Getting Started

Today I decided I would like to try frisbee golf. I did some research on the web and found out that you need at least 3 disks as a "starter" set (All purpose, Putter, and Driver). The picture above are the disks that I got (Shark, Putter, Eagle) and I look forward to playing with them soon. There is a course in Moraga that I see people using all the time and so figured it was a good way to get some walking in...